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A Survey of Some Social Conditions in Smyrna, Asia Minor - May 1921
A Survey of Some Social Conditions in Smyrna, Asia Minor - May 1921
A Survey of Some Social Conditions in Smyrna, Asia Minor - May 1921
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This survey of Izmir, carried out by the professors of the International College of Izmir, is very similar to a survey performed on Istanbul in the same period and titled Constantinople To-Day or The Pathfinder Survey of Constantinople - A Survey in Oriental Social life published in 1922 and prepared by professors of theRobert Collegeunder the direction of Clarence Richard Johnson.

Although a Turkish translation of this manuscript has been published in the past, its original English version is published for the first time. This study prepared by first hand witnesses of the epoch is a valuable contribution to the social history of Izmir.


İzmir’deki International College’in hocaları tarafından hazırlanan bu araştırma aynı dönemde İstanbul ile ilgili hazırlanan, 1922 yılında yayınlanan ve Türkçeye İstanbul 1920 adıyla çevrilen Constantinople To-Day or The Pathfinder Survey of Constantinople – A Survey in Oriental Social Life araştırmasına çok benzemekte.

İzmir’le ilgili bu araştırmanın Türkçe çevirisi daha önce İzmir 1921 adıyla yayınlanmıştı. İngilizce özgün metin ise ilk kere yayınlanmakta. Bu inceleme birinci elden tanıklar tarafından hazırlanmış olup, İzmir’in toplumsal hayatı için değerli bir kaynak teşkil etmekte. 


A. General Information

B. History of the City... by V.L. Humeston

C. Municipal Administration... by J.K. Birge

a)      Position of Municipal Government in the Ottoman System.

b)      Governing Body of the Municipality.

c)      Administrative Officials

d)     Municipal Income

e)      Parish Organization

f)       Defects in Municipal Organization

g)      Community Organization

D. Industrial Conditions... by G.C. Stearns

a)      Industries of Smyrna

b)      Wages Paid Workmen

c)      Health And Safety of Workmen in Shops And Factories in Smyrna

d)     Manufacturing Advantages in Smyrna

e)      Some Modern Equipped Factories

f)       Cost of Power

g)      Women Workers in the City

h)      Child Labor

i)        Rest and Lunch Rooms

j)        Labor Unions

k)      Employment Bureaus

l)        Recommendations

E. Health... by E.W. Rankin

a)      A Complex Problem

b)      Why Smyrna is A Healthy City in Which to Live?

c)      Vital Statistics

d)     Hospitals

e)      Care of The Insane

f)       Venereal Diseases in Smyrna

g)      Medical Practice in Smyrna

h)      The Food Supply of Smyrna

i)        The Water Supply of Smyrna

j)        Street Paving and Cleaning

k)      Garbage Disposal

l)        The Sewer System

m)    The Housing Problem

F. Recreation… by Miss Sara Snell and Miss Margaret Forsythe

a)      Playgrounds

b)      Parks

c)      Baths

d)     Coffee Houses

e)      Social Clubs

f)       Saloons

g)      Beer Houses

h)      Cinemas

i)        Dancing

j)        Athletics

k)      Injurious Forms of Recreation

a)      e) General Recommendations

G. Correctional System... by S.Ralph Harlow

a)      Introductory Statement

b)      Method of Securing Information

c)      Questionnaires

d)     The Courts

e)      The Police System

f)       The Prison System

g)      Under The Greeks

h)      Karacoles or Police Stations of Smyrna

i)        Recommendations

H. Charities... by Miss Pinned

a)      Greek Charities

b)      Armenian Charities

c)      Jewish Charities.

d)     Turkish Charities.

e)      Summary

f)       Recommendations

I. Education... by Miss Perkins

a)      Armenian Schools

b)     Jewish CommunitySchools

c)      Turkish Schools

d)     Greek Schools

e)      Catholic Schools

f)       American Schools

g)      Summary

h)      Recommendations

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